State Management Showdown: Demystifying MobX vs Redux

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Mobx vs Redux

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Key Takeaways

  • MobX makes it easy for apps to update automatically when data changes. This is called transparent reactive programming.
  • To use MobX with React, create a React app, add MobX, and make a store for your data and actions.
  • MobX keeps the user interface fresh by updating it when the data changes. This uses observables and reactions to manage data smoothly.
  • MobX is user-friendly with a simple API and less complex code. It’s easier to pick up than other systems for managing app state.
  • You can use MobX with many JavaScript frameworks. This gives developers choices for their projects.
  • MobX boosts app speed by only updating parts that need it. This cuts down on extra work for the computer.
  • MobX DevTools help developers see and fix issues with state changes easily.
  • MobX is easy and precise, but Redux offers a structured way with a big community. The choice between MobX and Redux depends on what the project and developers need.

The two heavyweights of front-end development, MobX and Redux, are ready to square off in the fast-paced world of state management. These JavaScript libraries, like competing tribes fighting for supremacy, have ignited heated discussions and split developers into passionate camps. We set out to discover the mysterious subtleties distinguishing MobX and Redux as the age-old debate, “Which is superior—MobX or Redux?” reappears.

Come along with us as we tour the maze of state management, uncovering 10 key differences that provide light on the divergent ideologies, approaches, and frameworks of MobX vs Redux. Get ready as we delve into the center of this grand debate to explain the long-standing mystery that has intrigued developers worldwide!

Table Of Contents

  1. Key Takeaways
  2. What is MobX?
    1. MobX Implementation
    2. MobX Workflow
    3. MobX Pros
    4. MobX Cons
  3. What is Redux
    1. Redux Implementation
    2. Redux Workflow
    3. Pros
    4. Cons
  4. Key Differences: MobX vs Redux
    1. MobX vs Redux: Design
    2. MobX vs Redux: Learning curve
    3. MobX vs Redux: Ease of Use
    4. MobX vs Redux: State Mutability
    5. MobX vs Redux: Code structure
    6. MobX vs Redux: Scaling Complexity
    7. MobX vs Redux: Debugging
    8. MobX vs Redux: Ecosystem and Community
    9. MobX vs Redux: Performance
    10. MobX vs Redux: Use cases
  5. Why use MobX over Redux?
    1. Ease & Adaptability
    2. Discreet Reactivity
    3. Learning Ease
  6. Why use Redux over MobX?
    1. Predictable State Administration
    2. Structure and Scalability in Big Applications
    3. Rich Environment and Equipment
  7. Redux vs MobX – Which One is More Popular?
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQs

What is MobX?

What is MobX?

Credits: MobX.js

An open-source tool for state management is called MobX. Developers frequently look for efficient state management techniques while building web apps. Utilizing the Flux pattern, a unidirectional data flow design first presented by the React team and then included in the React-Redux package, which simplified its application, is one way to solve the problem.

MobX offers a straightforward and expandable state management solution through transparent reactive programming. With MobX, developers can design responsive apps that update independently whenever the underlying data does. It does this by using reactions—the unintended consequences that observables cause—and observables, which serve as MobX’s fundamental building blocks.

MobX Implementation

MobX Implementation

Credits: Freepik

After discussing the definition, we will learn the implementation of MobX in a React project.

Creating a new React App

npx create-react-app MobX-example

cd MobX-example

To install MobX and MobX react

npm install MobX MobX-react

Creating a MobX store.

A store in MobX is just a basic JavaScript class that stores your application’s data and activities. Let’s make a basic counter-equipped store:

// src/stores/CounterStore.js

import { makeAutoObservable } from 'MobX';

class CounterStore {

count = 0;

constructor() {



increment() {

this.count += 1;


decrement() {

this.count -= 1;



const counterStore = new CounterStore();

export default counterStore;

Using MobX in a react Component.

// src/components/Counter.js

import React from 'react';

import { observer } from 'MobX-react';

import counterStore from '../stores/CounterStore';

const Counter = observer(() => {

const { count, increment, decrement } = counterStore;

return (


<h1>Counter: {count}</h1>

<button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>

<button onClick={decrement}>Decrement</button>




export default Counter;

Using the component in App.js

// src/App.js

import React from 'react';

import Counter from './components/Counter';

function App() {

return (


<h1>MobX Example</h1>

<Counter />




export default App;

Run the Application

npm start

MobX Workflow

MobX Workflow

Now lets focus on the workflow of MobX.

Explain Observables

  • Determine which state in your application needs to be checked for modifications.
  • To enable MobX to track these variables or objects, mark them as observables.

Apply Actions to Modify the State

  • To change the state, create actions, which are functions.
  • The sole method to change observables should be through actions.
  • To handle and encapsulate state changes, use actions.

Apply Reactions to Adverse Effects

  • Set up responses to start automatically when certain observables change.
  • Side effects, including refreshing the user interface or starting other processes, are handled by reactions.
  • Reactions that have changing dependencies are automatically reran.

Calculated Values for State Derived

  • Determine which derived states may be calculated using observables.
  • Make computed values that automatically update in response to changes in their dependencies.
  • Computed values aid in maintaining consistency in the state and preventing redundancy.

React Elements Employing Observers

React Elements Employing Observers

Credits: Freepik

  • Use the MobX-react observer method to wrap React components.
  • As a result, parts become responsive to modifications in the observed state.
  • When a component’s dependencies change, the component will automatically render again.

Link the Parts to the Shop

  • Add pertinent actions and observables to components from the MobX store or other sources.
  • To access and change the state, connect the component to the store.

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MobX Pros

MobX Pros

Credits: Freepik

After discussing the Workflow of MobX in detail, we will now focus on the advantages of MobX.

Easy to Use and Simple

  • MobX offers a straightforward, easy-to-use API for developers.
  • Comparing this state management system to others, the learning curve is quite low.


  • MobX tracks dependencies between observables and reactions automatically to achieve reactivity.
  • When an observable state changes, components or functions that depend on it are immediately re-executed.

Automated Monitoring of Dependencies

  • MobX automatically keeps track of and controls dependencies between reactions and observables.
  • Developers don’t need to manually specify the program’s components that rely on a specific state.

Discreet Reactivity

  • MobX offers fine-grained reactivity, limiting updates to the parts or features impacted by a particular state change.
  • Performance can be enhanced, and rendering can be done more effectively.


  • Because MobX is not restricted to any view library or framework, it may be easily customized to fit various project requirements and architectures.
  • It works with vanilla JavaScript and React, Angular, and Vue.

MobX Cons

While MobX has many advantages, it also has some limitations. Let’s Discuss.

Enchantment and Inferiority

Some developers may consider MobX’s implicit reactivity—which automatically tracks changes— “magic.” It may become less clear how and why particular reactions are elicited due to this implicitness.

The Learning Curve for Advanced Features

The fundamentals of MobX are simple to understand. However, there may be a learning curve when utilizing and comprehending its more complex capabilities, such as middleware and custom reactions.

Complexity in Wide-Reaching Applications

  • Larger applications can lead to more sophisticated reactivity management and data flow comprehension.
  • Maintaining a clear, predictable condition could become difficult without appropriate organization and discipline.

Possible Issues with Performance

  • While MobX is engineered for maximum efficiency, poor or mishandled state and reactivity management can cause problems with performance.
  • Developers are responsible for avoiding inadvertent re-renders and ensuring that only required components respond to modifications.


  • MobX’s fine-grained responsiveness may occasionally cause components to be rendered more than once.
  • To avoid doing needless renderings, developers must be aware of the monitoring observables’ components.

Global State Management

Global state management can sometimes lack encapsulation, making it more difficult to reason about the program. Still, MobX makes this process simple to initiate and maintain.

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Mobx Pros and Cons

What is Redux

What is Redux

Credits: Redux

Redux is a predictable state container that makes it easier to develop JavaScript applications that are easy to test and act reliably in client, server, and native environments.

Redux can be used with any other JavaScript framework or library, but its primary use case is as a state management tool with React. Its 2KB weight (including dependencies) means you don’t have to worry about adding extra size to your application’s assets.

Redux stores your application’s state in a store, from which every component can retrieve whatever state it requires. This video is an excellent starting point for those new to Redux.

In a Redux application, data typically flows singly. Actions are sent to the store, which then forwards them to the reducer. The reducer uses the action to update the state, which in turn causes the user interface to redraw.

Redux is frequently used with React, and bindings to combine Redux with React components are provided via the react-redux library. Redux adds some boilerplate code, but for managing complicated states in larger applications, its predictability and tight structure might be helpful.

Redux Implementation

Let us understand the Implementation of Redux.

Creating a new React app

npx create-react-app redux-example

cd redux-example

Installing Redux and React-Redux

npm install redux react-redux

Creating the Redux store

// src/store.js

import { createStore } from 'redux';

// Reducer function

const counterReducer = (state = { count: 0 }, action) => {

switch (action.type) {


return { count: state.count + 1 };


return { count: state.count - 1 };


return state;



// Create Redux store

const store = createStore(counterReducer);

export default store;

Creating Redux actions

// src/actions.js

export const increment = () => ({

type: 'INCREMENT',


export const decrement = () => ({

type: 'DECREMENT',


Creating React Components

// src/components/Counter.js

import React from 'react';

import { connect } from 'react-redux';

import { increment, decrement } from '../actions';

const Counter = ({ count, increment, decrement }) => {

return (


<h1>Counter: {count}</h1>

<button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>

<button onClick={decrement}>Decrement</button>




const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({

count: state.count,


const mapDispatchToProps = {




export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Counter);

Connecting the Redux Store to the React App

// src/index.js

import React from 'react';

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

import store from './store';

import Counter from './components/Counter';

import './index.css';


<Provider store={store}>

<Counter />




Running the Application

npm start

Redux Workflow

Redux Workflow

Before moving to our ultimate MobX vs Redux comparison, let’s understand the workflow of Redux.

First State Configuration

  • One JavaScript object known as the “store” represents the application state.
  • The store’s initial state is specified, typically via a collection of reducer functions.

Actions for Dispatching

  • An action is dispatched whenever something occurs within the program, such as a user interaction or an asynchronous event.
  • Actions are simple JavaScript objects with a type property that specifies the kind of action and any other information that may be required.

Steps in the Reducers Process

  • Reducers are simple functions that accept two parameters: the action and the state at that moment.
  • Reducers return a new state and indicate how the state should be modified based on the type of action.
  • Reducers must be pure functions without side effects to guarantee testability and predictability.

Current Situation

  • The Redux store invokes the reducer with the dispatched action and the current state.
  • The reducer computes and returns the updated state using the action as a basis.
  • The new state that the reducer returns to the store is used to update its internal state.

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  • The state update is sent to components linked to the Redux store using the useSelector hook or the connect function.
  • These elements re-render using the most recent state.

DevTools for Observation

DevTools for Observation

Credits: Freepik

  • During development, Redux DevTools can track actions, dispatch history, and state changes in real-time.
  • This facilitates debugging and helps comprehend the state’s evolution over time.

Repetition is necessary

  • The Redux cycle is repeated as the application executes actions.
  • The user interface is re-rendered under each action, updating the state and notifying related components.


After discussing the Workflow of Redux, we will now focus on the Pros of Redux in detail.

Predictable State Administration

  • Redux simplifies understanding of how the state evolves by enforcing a predictable state management approach.
  • Changes are managed consistently thanks to the unidirectional data flow.

State with Centralization

  • One centralized store contains all of the application’s state.
  • This facilitates state management and debugging, particularly in big and intricate systems.

Debugging Proficiencies

  • Redux is well-integrated with Redux DevTools, which enables developers to view and debug actions and changes in state and state history in real time while working on a project.

Debugging Time-Traveling

  • Time-travel debugging, made possible by Redux DevTools, lets developers examine and comprehend how the application state changes over time by allowing them to jump back and forth in the state history.

Middleware and Ecosystem

  • Redux boasts a robust middleware ecosystem that allows developers to expand its capabilities.
  • In addition to handling asynchronous operations, middleware can be used for logging and error tracking.

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After discussing the pros of Redux, we will now focus on the cons of Redux in detail.

Code for boilerplate

  • Writing boilerplate code is a common part of implementing Redux, particularly when configuring actions, action types, and reducers.
  • This may increase the verbosity of the codebase and make it more difficult to maintain.

Learning Curve

  • Redux’s concepts—such as actions, reducers, and the unidirectional data flow—may be more difficult for certain developers, particularly those unfamiliar with the Redux design.

Ceremony and Verbosity

  • Redux’s rigid structure, which requires numerous files and operations for even minor state changes, can result in verbosity.
  • This ceremony may seem unnecessary for small- to medium-sized apps.

Expenses for Minor Projects

  • Using Redux may add needless overhead and complexity to smaller applications.
  • In such circumstances, simpler state management techniques might be more appropriate.

Worldwide State Administration

  • Global state management has advantages.
  • Still, if not set up and maintained correctly, it can cause problems and make it more difficult to follow data flow in larger applications.

Redux Pros and Cons

Key Differences: MobX vs Redux

Key Differences: MobX vs Redux

In this core section of our blog, we will discuss the 10 key differences in the MobX vs Redux debate.

MobX vs Redux: Design

In the first section of distinction in the MobX vs Redux debate, we will compare the design of both.


The state management strategies and design philosophies of MobX and Redux are very different. MobX is intended to be more intuitive and versatile, giving developers a more straightforward mental model.

MobX focuses on fine-grained reactivity, in which observance changes automatically set off reactions. Programming more imperatively and directly is made possible by this approach.


In contrast, Redux has a more rigid and opinionated design philosophy. It adheres to unidirectional data flow, immutability, and functional programming. Redux enforces a distinct division of responsibilities among actions, reducers, and the store.

The store controls the application’s overall state, reducers define how changes to the state are made, and actions describe those changes.

MobX vs redux: Learning curve

Let’s compare the learning curve of both with respect to the MobX vs Redux argument.


Regarding state management systems, MobX is renowned for having a lower learning curve than others. Because of its simplicity and ease of use, developers new to state management or who prefer a more direct and imperative programming approach can utilize it.

MobX’s concepts—observables, actions, and reactions, for example—are simple to understand, and the framework enables developers to get up and running fast.


On the other hand, Redux is frequently thought to have a more demanding learning curve, particularly for people who are unfamiliar with the ideas behind actions, reducers, and unidirectional data flow. Developers may take some time to properly comprehend Redux’s rigid structure and the necessity to understand how actions and reducers interact with the store.

MobX vs Redux: Ease of Use

MobX vs Redux: Ease of Use

Credits: Freepik

Which is easier to use? Let’s compare user-friendliness concerning the MobX vs redux debate.


MobX is well known for being very user-friendly, providing a more straightforward and natural method of managing states. The framework’s emphasis on simplicity and reduction of boilerplate code allows developers to work with it more rapidly. The idea of observables makes it easier to follow state changes because they instantly cause reactions when they change.


Redux is a robust tool, but because of its opinionated and rigid design, it’s sometimes thought to have a higher entry barrier. To avoid writing too much boilerplate code, developers must adhere to conventions when creating actions, reducers, and connecting components to the store. For developers unfamiliar with this design, Redux’s need for a unidirectional data flow may require a mental adjustment.

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MobX vs Redux: State Mutability

This section will deal with the parameter of state mutability concerning the argument of MobX vs Redux.


MobX supports a changeable state by default, enabling developers to make direct changes. This design decision is consistent with a more imperative programming style, in which assignments or modifications of observable objects are the only way to change the state.

MobX’s mutable state is simple, which can make it useful for developers who are used to working with mutable data structures.


By contrast, Redux discourages making direct changes to the state by adhering to the immutability principle. In Redux, reducers are required to generate a new state object using the dispatched action and the current state. Comprehending how and when the state changes when immutability contributes to enforcing a predictable state transition is simpler.

MobX vs Redux: Code structure

This section will deal with the Code structure concerning the argument of MobX vs Redux.


Compared to Redux, MobX provides a more liberal and flexible code structure. Thanks to MobX, developers can arrange their code any way they see fit, taking into account the needs of their application and their preferences. There are no hard rules governing actions, reducers, or store organization in MobX.


In contrast, Redux enforces a well-defined and subjective code structure. The roles of actions, reducers, and the store are well-defined, and the unidirectional data flow offers a dependable framework for handling state transitions. Reducers define how the state changes, actions explain what happened, and the store controls the state.

This organized method encourages a centralized codebase, which facilitates finding and comprehending state-related logic.

MobX vs Redux: Scaling Complexity

Let’s compare Scaling Complexity concerning the MobX vs redux debate.


MobX is a popular choice for small to medium-sized applications because of its simplicity and ease of usage. However, MobX’s versatility might be a double-edged sword in terms of increasing complexity. Although MobX’s loose conventions let developers customize it to fit various coding styles and project structures, this flexibility could make it challenging to keep an application’s structure tidy as it expands.


Redux is a great option for managing complexity in larger projects because it was created with scalability. Its structured and opinionated approach and the distinct division of responsibilities between actions, reducers, and the store offer a strong base for handling complexity. Analyzing the application’s behavior is simpler because of the unidirectional data flow‘s guarantee of a predictable state change.

MobX vs Redux: Debugging

This section will deal with the Debugging regarding the argument of MobX vs Redux.


MobX debugging is often considered simple and easy to use. The reactivity system in MobX makes it simple for developers to monitor state changes. It is evident which program areas are impacted when the state changes, thanks to the usage of observables and reactions.

Moreover, MobX DevTools give developers efficient monitoring and debugging capabilities by giving real-time insights into the state, reactions, and observables.


Redux provides good assistance for debugging, particularly with tools like Redux DevTools. These tools allow you to time travel through prior states, take actions, and see the state tree visually. Redux’s rigorous unidirectional data flow facilitates tracking the progression of activities and explains how the state changes over time.

Nevertheless, compared to MobX, debugging with Redux could need more steps, particularly when adhering to the immutability requirements.

MobX vs Redux: Ecosystem and Community

This section will discuss the Ecosystem and Community regarding the argument of MobX vs Redux.


Though it may not be as large as Redux’s, MobX has a vibrant and active community. Numerous community-contributed utilities, integrations, and extensions make up the MobX ecosystem. MobX’s versatility is increased by its compatibility with several view libraries and frameworks, including React, Angular, and Vue.js.


Redux has a sizable development community and a well-developed ecosystem. Due to its widespread use, Redux has been enhanced by many third-party libraries, middleware, and utilities. Well-known middleware, such as Redux Thunk and Redux Saga, facilitates asynchronous processes and offers ways to manage side effects.

MobX vs Redux: Performance

Let’s compare the Performance of the MobX vs redux debate.


MobX has a reputation for high performance, mostly because of its fine-grained reactivity system. The automated monitoring of dependencies guarantees that updates are made only to the elements or portions of the state that are impacted by a particular change. This fine-grained responsiveness can reduce needless re-renders and increase rendering efficiency.


When applied correctly, redux can also produce high-quality results. The concepts of immutability and unidirectional data flow contribute to the predictability and traceability of state changes. The stringent immutability requirements, however, could result in extra expense because creating new objects for every state update might affect performance, particularly in situations with complex or deeply nested state structures.

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MobX vs Redux: Use cases

Now let’s discuss the Use cases regarding the MobX vs Redux debate.


MobX is a flexible state management solution that excels in situations prioritizing ease of use, adaptability, and a finely tuned reactivity model. It is a good fit for smaller to medium-sized applications since it offers an approachable state management system. Because MobX easily interacts with React, developers on React-based projects frequently choose it.


Redux is a powerful state management solution for more intricate and scalable applications that need a systematic and organized approach to state management. It performs well in complex state management applications on a big scale and provides a logical and consistent structure.

Redux’s unidirectional data flow is especially useful when a centralized store and predictable state transitions are essential to preserving a consistent application state.

Key Differences: MobX vs Redux

Why use MobX over Redux?

After discussing the core part of our blog i.e. MobX vs Redux, we will now discuss reasons to choose MobX over Redux.

Ease & Adaptability

MobX is renowned for being easy to use and adaptable. Developers can embrace it more readily than Redux because of its less opinionated structure, especially if they prefer a more imperative programming style.

Discreet Reactivity

MobX’s fine-grained reactivity architecture is a big plus, particularly for developers who need a more automatic and direct approach to monitoring and reacting to state changes. When an observable in MobX changes, it immediately initiates reactions, like component re-renders.

Learning Ease

MobX is said to have a less steep learning curve than Redux. Because of its simple concepts—observables, actions, and reactions—it is understandable to developers who are unfamiliar with state management or would rather work in an unstructured manner.

Why use Redux over MobX?

We understood the reasons for choosing MobX over Redux; let’s examine why organizations choose Redux over the former. Let’s understand.

Predictable State Administration

Redux ensures predictable and traceable state changes by adhering to a rigorous unidirectional data flow. Thanks to this well-defined structure, developers can better understand when and how state program changes occur.

Structure and Scalability in Big Applications

Large-scale applications with intricate state management needs fit Redux well. Its structured and opinionated design offers a strong base for managing complexity, with distinct roles for actions, reducers, and the store.

Rich Environment and Equipment

Redux boasts a sizable development community and a well-developed ecosystem. The availability of third-party libraries, middleware, and tools, such as Redux DevTools, extends the capabilities of Redux. Well-known middleware, such as Redux Thunk and Redux Saga, facilitates asynchronous processes and offers ways to manage side effects.

Redux vs MobX – Which One is More Popular?

Redux became well-known because it has a single source of truth and a predictable state container, which makes it ideal for larger applications where controlling intricate state interactions is essential. Because of the unidirectional data flow enforced by its architecture, developers may work inside a defined structure.

MobX, on the other hand, is renowned for its adaptability and simplicity. It uses observable data structures to enable developers to handle state more naturally. For smaller projects or situations where a less boilerplate-heavy and more dynamic approach is required, MobX is frequently chosen.

The React community adopted Redux widely, demonstrating its popularity—especially for larger and more complicated projects.

Developer preferences, however, can differ, and the decision between Redux and MobX frequently comes down to the particular needs of the project as well as the preferences of the developer.


In conclusion, the argument of MobX vs Redux highlights two effective state management options, each with unique advantages and design philosophies. We examined their fundamental ideas, processes, and advantages and disadvantages to assist developers in making judgments that are well-informed and contingent upon team preferences and project requirements.

The salient distinctions between MobX and Redux, ranging from design methodologies to learning curves, demonstrate the many factors to be considered while making this decision.

As developers work through the decision-making process, it becomes clear that the best option will depend on the project’s requirements. For larger systems, Redux excels at offering a structured and scalable approach, whereas MobX delivers simplicity and fine-grained responsiveness.

RedSwitches is a dependable option in the hosting realm, much like developers can select between MobX and Redux.


Q. Is MobX better than Redux?

The project’s complexity and the developers’ preferences determine which is better: Redux or MobX. Because of its organized approach, Redux works well in large-scale systems, whereas MobX is more suited for smaller projects because it is simpler and allows fine-grained reactivity.

Q. Is Redux easier than MobX?

MobX vs Redux ease of use varies depending on project requirements and knowledge. MobX is simpler and has a flatter learning curve, making it ideal for novices and smaller applications. Redux has a steeper learning curve but is more powerful for larger projects because of its structured approach.

Q. Why Redux is more popular than MobX?

Redux’s wide ecosystem, community support, and well-organized design, which make it appropriate for various project scenarios, are the reasons behind its widespread appeal. Its extensive use and awareness among developers result from its sophisticated tooling, such as Redux DevTools, and acceptance in large-scale applications.

Q. What are MobX and Redux?

MobX and Redux are state management libraries in JavaScript to manage the state of a React application.

Q. What is the main difference between MobX and Redux?

The main difference lies in how they manage state. Redux uses a single source of truth with immutability, while MobX allows for a mutable state with observable reactions.

Q. Which one is more scalable, MobX or Redux?

MobX is generally considered more scalable than Redux due to its flexibility in handling state updates and reduced boilerplate code.

Q. Can I use multiple stores with Redux and MobX?

Yes, Redux and MobX allow multiple stores to manage different parts of the application state.

Q. How does Redux handle state changes compared to MobX?

Redux requires the use of actions and reducers to update the state in an immutable way, while MobX allows for direct mutation of the state with the use of observable reactions.

Q. What is “boilerplate code” meant in the context of MobX and Redux?

Boilerplate code is the repetitive code required to set up actions, reducers, and store configurations in Redux. In contrast, MobX significantly reduces the need for boilerplate code with its simpler approach to state management.

Q. Can you explain the “pure vs observable” concept in Redux and MobX?

In Redux, the state is expected to be pure and immutable, while MobX uses observables to track state changes and trigger reactions based on those changes.

Q. How do Redux and MobX handle functional reactive programming?

Redux is based on functional programming principles, while MobX embraces functional reactive programming by allowing direct mutation of state that triggers reactions.

Q. What are the key differences between MobX and Redux?

The key differences include their approaches to state management, scalability, handling of multiple stores, and the amount of boilerplate code required for setting up the state management solution.

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