Install Go in Debian in 4 Easy Steps

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install go on debian

Go, also known as Golang, is a powerful programming language developed by Google. It’s widely used for building efficient, scalable, and reliable software applications. The language designers aimed to create a language that simplifies software development and empowers users to craft efficient solutions for business challenges.

Like all contemporary programming languages, Go provides features such as memory allocation, support for concurrent programming, garbage collection, coordination avoidance, and more.

The first step of using Go for software development is installing it on Debian. So, in this tutorial, we will discuss how to install Go on Debian 11 in 4 easy steps.

Table Of Contents

  1. Install Go on Debian in 4 Steps
    1. The Prerequisites
    2. Step #1: Download the Official Go Package
    3. Step #2: Extract the Files
    4. Step #3: Set the Environment
    5. Step #4: Verify the Installation
  2. Conclusion
  3. FAQs

Install Go on Debian in 4 Steps

Let’s start the process of installing Go on Debian 11. But first, let’s take a look at the prerequisites. 

The Prerequisites

Before we begin the installation process, make sure you have:

  • A system with Debian 11
  • A user account with sudo or root privileges
  • A stable internet connection is needed to download the necessary files

Now, let’s delve into the steps to install Go on Debian 11

Before we begin, the Debian server package index must be fully updated by executing the following command:

# sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Step #1: Download the Official Go Package

First, visit the official Go website to download the latest version of Go for Linux. Ensure that you select the appropriate architecture for your system (either amd64 or x86).

Download the Official Go Package

Alternatively, you can download the Go package with the following wget command:

# wget

Remember to replace X.X.X with the version number you wish to install.

wget command

Step #2: Extract the Files

Once the download is complete, extract the downloaded tarball to /usr/local using the tar command:

# sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf goX.X.X.linux-amd64.tar.gz

This command extracts the contents of the tarball to the /usr/local directory, where Go will be installed.

Extract the Files

Step #3: Set the Environment

Next, you need to add the path to Go to the system’s PATH environment variables. Open the .profile file using your preferred text editor. We will use the following command to open this file in Nano:

# nano ~/.profile

Add the following lines at the end of the file:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

export GOPATH=$HOME/go

export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

Set the Environment

Save the file and exit the text editor.

Run the following to load the changes you made to the file in the current session:

# source ~/.profile

Step #4: Verify the Installation

To verify that Go has been installed correctly, run the following command to print version information:

# go version

Verify the Installation

You should see the installed Go version printed on the screen, confirming a successful installation and that you have a Go development environment.


We covered the process of installation of Go on your Debian system. With Go set up, you can now start developing powerful applications using this efficient programming language.

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Q. Can I install multiple versions of Go on Debian?

Yes, you can install multiple versions of Go on Debian by downloading and extracting each version into separate directories.

Q. How do I uninstall Go from Debian?

To uninstall Go, simply remove the Go installation directory (usually /usr/local/go) and delete the Go environment variables from your .profile or .bashrc file.

Q. Can I use a package manager to install Go on Debian?

While some package managers may offer Go installations, it’s recommended to install Go manually from the official website to ensure you have the latest version and full control over the installation process.

Q. Can Go be installed on Linux operating systems other than Debian?

Yes, Go can be installed on various Linux distributions, including Debian, Ubuntu, and others.

Q. What is Go, and why is it considered a robust language?

Go, also known as Golang, is a modern and powerful open-source programming language designed for simplicity, efficiency, and reliability in software development.

Q. What are the different ways to install Go on Debian?

You can install Go on Debian using package managers like apt install, download, and install from the official Go website, or using snap.

Q. How can I remove Go from my Debian system if needed?

You can uninstall Go from Debian by following the specific removal steps depending on how Go was initially installed on your system.

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