Types of Cloud Computing Models: Which One Is Ideal For Your Business?

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Types of Cloud Computing

Businesses increasingly use cloud computing to access and store data and applications. The cloud provides a scalable, reliable, cost-effective solution to startups, SMBs, and enterprises.

Studies have shown that approximately 200 zettabytes of data will be stored in the cloud by 2025. The challenge here is understanding the various types of cloud computing and selecting the right one for your needs. This is because every business has unique data storage, access, and usage needs.

In this article, we will look into the different types of cloud computing. We will help you understand the meaning of cloud computing, how many different types of cloud computing are there? and what are the uses of different cloud computing types? We will also help you gain clarity about the features, benefits, and drawbacks associated with cloud computing and its types to help you make an informed decision about choosing the right one for your business.

Let’s start with the basic definition and then go into the details of the cloud computing models.

Table of Content

  1. What Is Cloud Computing?
  2. Cloud Deployment Models
  3. What Is IaaS and Where Is It Used?
  4. What Is PaaS and Where Is It Used?
  5. What Is SaaS and Where Is It Used?
  6. How To Pick The Perfect Cloud Deployment Model?
  7. Migrate to the Cloud In Seconds With RedSwitches
  8. Conclusion

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is an internet-based service that relies on remote servers to store, manage, and process data and applications rather than local servers or personal devices.

It enables businesses to focus on other essential tasks while eliminating the responsibilities such as purchasing, maintenance, and capacity planning. To give you an idea of the popularity of cloud computing services, consider that 48% of businesses stated that they store mission-critical data in the cloud.

The increasing popularity of cloud computing has led to the emergence of various deployment techniques and models that cater to the diverse needs of users. But before exploring these models, you should understand the characteristics distinguishing cloud computing from similar technologies.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing

Different types of cloud computing have other characteristics. However, they can broadly be summarized as follows:

  • On-demand self-service: Users can access computing resources and services as needed without waiting for intervention from service providers.
  • Resource pooling: Multiple users can share and access the common resource pool that delivers computing power, memory, storage space, and network access.
  • Elasticity: Cloud computing services can quickly scale up or down as the workload changes. Additionally, this elasticity allows users to pay for only the resources they use.
  • Accessible from everywhere: Cloud computing resources and services are accessible over the Internet, enabling users to access them from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Cloud Deployment Models

According to many users, flexibility is one of the critical reasons why they opt for cloud computing. This is evident from the deployment models used to deliver cloud computing services.

1)   Public Cloud

The public cloud model comprises services available to all users. This pay-per-use model is ideal for businesses using cloud computing services. In a public cloud, resources are generally shared among users. Users have some level of isolation.

The primary objective of this cloud deployment model is to have a network that multiple users can use simultaneously rather than just being restricted to a single user.

Advantages Disadvantages
No capital expenditures are required. The infrastructure costs might become too high for large-scale enterprises.
Great for the dynamic workload. Not recommended for security-first workloads.
Minimal complexity and requirements because of “managed” services by the vendor. Minimal control makes compliance with frameworks and regulations a severe challenge.

2)   Private Cloud

The private cloud model comprises services exclusively available to a single business user. Private clouds may incorporate alternative models to govern cloud usage, charging specific departments or segments of an organization instead of relying on the generic pay-as-you-go approach. Although costly, it is the preferred option for large organizations that value customization, security, and complete control over the processing environment. While a minimal number of businesses invest in setting up and maintaining in-house private clouds, most of the users prefer the services of third-party vendors (such as RedSwitches).

Advantages Disadvantages
It is a highly efficient, customizable, and scalable solution. Because of the customizability, external users might need special access and permissions.
It is flexible and can be set up to match all the requirements of a specific business environment. Expensive in short-term use.
Supports high-performance custom workloads and is reliable for long-term Businesses need in-house server management talent or hire an external vendor.

3)   Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud model blends the features of public and private clouds, creating a tailored solution that allows a business to take advantage of both platforms. Another significant benefit of a hybrid cloud is the option to link cloud and on-premises infrastructure and applications. In addition, vendors can maintain and offer resources from several touchpoints thanks to multiple configuration options. As a result, hybrid cloud solutions are ideal for businesses looking for scalability, flexibility, and security.

Advantages Disadvantages
Scalability and security go hand in hand. Keeping public and private components separate can become a challenge.
Automated and manual processes can distribute processing and storage among private and public components. Organizations need more direct control over the infrastructure since hybrid infrastructure spans several locations.
Flexible solutions allow the distribution of services and processing among multiple server locations. Infrastructure complexity increases as more public and private components are added.


4)   Community Cloud

Community clouds are collaborative systems that combine the capabilities of multiple clouds to meet the specific needs of a particular industry, community, or business sector. They are operated by third-party providers who oversee the cloud infrastructure.

Advantages Disadvantages
The cloud’s capacity for services, physical resources, and human resources can grow because of the community’s involvement. General compliance issues as communal requirements change over time.
Users can set security parameters for their data. Community clouds are a relatively new cloud deployment option that might only fit some businesses well.
Decisions are made collectively since resources, infrastructure, and software are shared among the users. The cloud’s limited data storage and bandwidth are shared, and setting priorities can be complex.

5)   Multi-Cloud

A multi-cloud solution is a cloud computing approach compatible with multiple cloud providers’ cloud infrastructures. Companies can select the services that best match their specific needs by employing various cloud computing services from different providers and avoid being locked into a single vendor.

This “multi-cloud” approach enables companies to leverage different cloud providers’ unique features and functionalities.

Now that you have a good understanding of the various cloud deployment options, it is now appropriate that we dive into the types of cloud computing services.

What Is IaaS and Where Is It Used?

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides businesses with on-demand infrastructure over the Internet rather than relying on a traditional data center. Customers benefit from outsourced cloud infrastructures, including servers, networking, computing, storage, virtual machines, and other resources.

Advantages Disadvantages
Allows users to get the benefit of cloud infrastructure without worrying about associated costs Security issues because multiple users accessing and sharing the infrastructure resources
Offers resilient, highly distributed storage solutions over HTTP, including file storage and block storage. The problem of vendor lock-in because migration is usually costly in terms of time and resources
Reduced cost of setting up physical infrastructure. Significant training requirements to get the in-house team familiar with the vendor’s infrastructure.
Manageable operational costs because of the option of paying only for the resources consumed in a billing period. Although IaaS service providers update software regularly, businesses that need advanced versions might need more frequent updates.

What Is PaaS and Where Is It Used?

In a Platform as a Service (PaaS) model, businesses rent the infrastructure for managing the entire application lifecycle, including development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Similar to IaaS, developers rent servers, networking, and storage. Businesses can also lease intermediate components such as DBMS, dev tools, and middleware from the PaaS provider.

Advantages Disadvantages
Businesses can innovate platform configuration by finding new ways to use the infrastructure. Users might need help allocating data storage between the local and the cloud storage.
Reduced cost of hardware and software investment. PaaS solutions are often costlier than IaaS solutions.
Pre-built options and components can help speed up user processes. Users might need to invest in infrastructure to accommodate the growing PaaS solutions.
PaaS vendors often have vibrant online communities where users share their ideas. Security issues as it is a public cloud.

What Is SaaS and Where Is It Used?

SaaS, or “On-Demand Software,” is a software distribution model where a cloud service provider hosts the application on their infrastructure. End-users can access the hosted application over the Internet without installing any software on their devices. SaaS is very popular, and it’s estimated that 70% of the enterprise applications businesses currently use are delivered as SaaS.

Advantages Disadvantages
Enables businesses to distribute products within reasonable costs. Because of external cloud storage, there’s always a chance of data getting compromised.
A single application version is accessed and used by hundreds of simultaneous users. Delays in data transfer due to remote access and intermediate hops.
No additional investment is required for hardware as software is hosted remotely. Limited internet connectivity is a serious blocker for users.
Users can access it from any device with an internet connection. Huge file sizes and rapid successive requests might cause delays in user interaction.

How To Pick The Perfect Cloud Deployment Model?

Choosing the most appropriate cloud infrastructure for deployment can be daunting, given the vast array of options available today. However, a business must evaluate its choices based on several critical factors.

First and foremost, conducting a thorough analysis of your business requirements is crucial, as these will determine the specific features and capabilities you will need from the cloud infrastructure.

Additionally, it is essential to consider the organization’s financial position, as cloud infrastructures can vary significantly in terms of cost and pricing models.

Another important consideration is your business operations’ specific software and hardware requirements. For example, an IaaS solution may be the best option if you need significant storage and computing resources.

On the other hand, a SaaS solution may be more suitable if you need to deliver software as a product to many users.

Migrate to the Cloud In Seconds With RedSwitches

RedSwitches offers dedicated bare-metal servers that help your business leverage the benefits of cloud infrastructure. Our solutions include additional services like omnichannel support, same-day setup, and on-demand customization. We aim to provide scalable, secure, and affordable dedicated server solutions that meet your ever-growing business needs.

By choosing RedSwitches, you can unlock the competitive advantages of cloud infrastructure and take the first step towards a more productive and efficient future.

Switch to RedSwitches today and experience the power of cloud computing for yourself!


Choosing the correct type of cloud infrastructure for your business is crucial to ensure it can run efficiently and effectively. Among the different kinds of cloud computing options, bare metal servers have emerged as an increasingly popular choice for businesses.

Compared to traditional dedicated servers or virtual machines, bare metal servers offer greater control, flexibility, and scalability. They allow for custom hardware and software configurations, provide higher security and performance, and are ideal for high-performance computing requirements. Additionally, bare metal servers offer predictable pricing and cost management benefits in the long term. While the initial investment may be higher, the advantages of using bare metal servers can outweigh the costs for businesses.

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