DevOps Roadmap 2024: A Guide to Becoming a DevOps Engineer

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DevOps roadmap

The DevOps movement, which advocates a holistic strategy that unifies software development and IT operations into a smooth, collaborative process, has completely changed the landscape of contemporary software development. The modern DevOps processes aim to eliminate old organizational silos, speed up software delivery, and improve application and infrastructure quality and dependability. 

The critical components of DevOps operations include automation and continuous integration (CI) /  continuous delivery (CD). Organizations use these values to instill a culture of cooperation and ongoing improvement in software quality. DevOps benefits all business processes for servicing consumers and adapting to changing market conditions.

So, in this article, we will highlight an updated 2023 DevOps roadmap that you can follow to become a competent engineer for a smooth DevOps journey. We’ll also cover the evolution of DevOps and how you can acquire essential DevOps skills.

Let’s begin with the definition of DevOps.

Table Of Contents

  1. Understanding the DevOps Landscape
    1. Core Principles of DevOps
  2. The Evolution of DevOps
  3. Building the Foundation of the DevOps Roadmap
    1. Essential Skills for a DevOps Engineer
    2. Familiarity With DevOps Tools
    3. Cloud Computing and Infrastructure as Code (Iac)
  4. Navigating Through the DevOps Career Roadmap
    1. Version Control and Collaboration
    2. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
    3. Containerization and Orchestration
    4. Infrastructure Monitoring and Observability
  5. Mastering Advanced DevOps Methodology
    1. Security in DevOps
    2. Microservices Architecture
    3. Serverless Computing
  6. Elevating Your DevOps Career
    1. Continuous Learning and Professional Developmen
    2. Transitioning Into DevOps Leadership
  7. Partnering With Redswitches for DevOps Success
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQs

Understanding the DevOps Landscape

DevOps is an umbrella term software producers use to combine the processes, best practices, tools, and operational principles of development and operations teams to produce a higher-quality product. It strongly emphasizes technology automation, cross-team communication, and team empowerment.

Core Principles of DevOps

Before discussing the DevOps best practices, let’s understand the core principles of the DevOps methodology.

Collaboration and Communication

Collaboration is DevOps’ central tenet. The development and operations teams combine to form a cohesive unit that interacts, provides feedback, and works together during the development and deployment cycle. 

This frequently entails the development and operations teams coming together to form a single team that handles all phases of the application lifecycle.

Automation and Infrastructure as Code

Automating as much of the software development lifecycle as feasible is a crucial DevOps practice. As a result, programmers have more time to write code and create new features.

A crucial CI/CD pipeline component, automation lowers human error rates and boosts team output. Teams may achieve continuous improvement using automated processes and fast iteration durations, which enables them to react swiftly to client feedback.

Continuous Integration (CI)

The practice of automating the merging of code changes from various contributors into a single software project is known as continuous integration (CI). It’s a fundamental DevOps best practice that enables developers to regularly merge code changes into a single repository, after which builds and tests are executed. 

Before integration, the new code is checked for correctness using automated tools.

The core of the CI process is a source code version control system. Additional checks are added to the version control system, such as automated tests for the quality of the code and tools for reviewing the syntax and style.

Continuous Delivery (CD)

Building, testing, and distributing updates to the software code is called continuous delivery (CD), a DevOps practice. To ensure that new updates may be deployed to clients more promptly and importantly, the expansion of the Continuous Integration phase is called. 

It can be made simpler because the release process is also automated, in addition to automated testing, allowing for quick deployments at any time.

The Evolution of DevOps

When the IT operations and software development groups voiced their concerns about what they perceived as a lethal degree of dysfunction in the business, the DevOps movement began to take shape between 2007 and 2008.

They complained about the conventional software development approach, which required organizational and functional separation between producing code and distributing and supporting it.

The complexity of software systems has influenced the emergence of DevOps, the need for quicker and more reliable deployments, and the rising desire for standardization. DevOps is “more alive than ever,” according to an essay by Alan Shimel. Therefore, it’s critical to comprehend how it’s changing along with the times.

Building the Foundation of the DevOps Roadmap

In the DevOps roadmap, the most essential part is the foundation and how the foundation of DevOps takes place. This section will discuss the essential skills and tools required to be a DevOps engineer.

Essential Skills for a DevOps Engineer

Let’s have a brief look at the required skills one by one:

Soft Skills

Being good at coding and automation is insufficient. DevOps calls for a different kind of you—one who specializes in soft skills, self-motivation, flexibility, and learning. DevOps experts must be both doers and listeners.

Clearly, the DevOps transformation involves collaborative stakeholder discussions, comprehension of business objectives, evaluation, and identification of development areas.

Technical Skills

Scripting and coding are two essential abilities every DevOps engineer must have. Ruby, Python, Java, Javascript, PHP, Bash, Shell, Node.js, and Python.Js are some of the most frequently suggested programming and scripting languages.

Even now, ardent programmers still use Linux as one of their operating systems. There is much room to maneuver, and this flexibility is advantageous to DevOps engineers worldwide.

Therefore, even while not every DevOps developer will use Linux, surely everyone will use it in their career as a DevOps engineer.

Familiarity With DevOps Tools

A skilled engineer must be familiar with DevOps tools like:


To make it relatively easy to use the older versions of the code in the event of an error, version control gives developers a mechanism to keep track of all the updates and changes in their scripts. 

The Git DevOps tool is easy to set up because it works with most protocols, including HTTP, SSH, and FTP. Unlike most centralized version control platforms, it offers the best benefit for non-linear shared-repository development projects. This makes it a fantastic deal for mission-critical applications. 

Since it is interoperable with most protocols, including HTTP, SSH, and FTP, the Git DevOps tool is simple to set up. In contrast to most other centralized version control technologies, it provides the best advantage for non-linear shared-repository development projects. This makes it an excellent value for software that is mission-critical. 


A DevOps integration tool is Jenkins. Since Jenkins is designed for internal and plugin expansions, it stands out for continuous integration (CI). 

Jenkins is a Java-based CI server that is free and open-source and can be used with Windows, macOS, and other Unix-based operating systems. Jenkins can also be installed on cloud-based platforms. 

Jenkins is a crucial DevOps tool since it supports Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, two essential DevOps practices. 

The roughly 1,500 plugins that enable integration points for customized functionality during software development make Jenkins compatible with most CI/CD integration tools and services. 


The Docker engine automates containerized applications’ creation, deployment, and management on single nodes. Cloud services like AWS, GCP, and Azure Cloud are all compatible with Docker, which is open-source. Linux and Windows both support Docker for use. 


Due to the growing use of containers in businesses/organizations, Kubernetes’s container-centric management tool has overtaken the industry standard for deploying and managing containerized applications. Kubernetes was created at Google and made available as open source in 2014. It was first used on Google Cloud in 2014.

Cloud Computing and Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

“Infrastructure as Code” (IaC) means delivering and managing infrastructure using code instead of manual procedures.

IaC makes changing and distributing configurations simpler by generating configuration files containing your infrastructure specifications. Additionally, it guarantees that you always provision the same environment. IaC facilitates configuration management and enables us to prevent ad hoc, non-documented configuration changes by codifying and documenting your configuration standards.

Your configuration files must be subject to source control like other software source code files because version control is crucial to IaC. By deploying your infrastructure as code, you may also break it into simpler modular components that can be automatically joined in various ways. 

After discussing the foundation of DevOps, the next section of the DevOps roadmap is the navigation of its journey. Let’s continue.

Version Control and Collaboration

Controlling and managing various versions of the application assets, from code to configuration and design to deployment, is crucial as organizations speed up delivery through DevOps. Velocity is equivalent to operating a vehicle without a seatbelt, without reliable version control and traceability.

One aspect of version control and collaboration is tracking modifications, versions, and code branches. Effectively, it entails actions like:

  • Facilitating the use of dispersed and asynchronous environments by development teams
  • Managing code and artifact changes and versions
  • facilitating code and other asset reviews and collaboration
  • monitoring the acceptance of planned modifications
  • resolving merge disputes and associated abnormalities

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

One of the most crucial practices is continuous integration and delivery since it creates an active procedure for integrating and releasing the product to the market. 

The software code can be modified slightly, simplifying and opening up the procedure overall.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) increase the transparency of any issues within the team or outside of it by providing ongoing input from customers and the DevOps team.

The total procedure guarantees a quicker product release. 

The release rate has increased because the faults can now be found more quickly and easily corrected.

Containerization and Orchestration

Container orchestration automates container deployment, management, scaling, and networking. Businesses that must set up and manage hundreds of Linux® servers and containers may find container orchestration useful. 

Container orchestration is useful in any situation where you use containers. You can avoid redesigning the program by using it in various contexts. Utilizing microservices in containers also simplifies the orchestration of services like storage, networking, and security. 

Your microservice-based programs now have a perfect application deployment unit and independent execution environment thanks to containers. They enable independent operation of various app components in the form of microservices on the same hardware with significantly improved control over individual components and life cycles.

Infrastructure Monitoring and Observability

Teams can observe and comprehend their systems’ state through monitoring tools or other technical solutions. Gathering preset sets of metrics or logs is the foundation of monitoring.

Teams can actively debug their system using the technological solution or tooling known as observability. Exploring undefined qualities and patterns is the foundation of observability.

Your teams should have the following to perform well in terms of monitoring and observability:

  • Reporting on the general condition of systems (Do my systems work? Are there enough resources available for my systems?).
  • Reporting on the system’s state as the clientele sees it (Do my clients know if my system is down and are unhappy?).
  • Tracking important system and business metrics.
  • Using a tool, you can learn more about subjects you were previously ignorant of (you can then recognize unknown unknowns).
  • Access to resources and information that can be used to track down, comprehend, and identify infrastructure issues in your production environment, including service interactions.

Mastering Advanced DevOps Methodology

This section of our blog will examine the mastery of advanced DevOps concepts like microservices architecture and serverless computing.

Security in DevOps

1. Security Automation

When properly used, DevSecOps automation speeds up the production of high-quality software by seamlessly integrating security testing throughout all phases of the SDLC to increase efficiency, ensure consistency, and reduce risks.

Think about the following best practices when deciding where to include security automation in your DevSecOps pipeline:

2. Utilize Platforms for Container Orchestration

Containers can be set up in any production or development environment. They also make it possible to integrate security functionalities at the highest granularity from the beginning of the software development lifecycle. 

3. Employ Tools for Sbom Management

A codebase’s use of numerous open-source and third-party software components is represented by a software bill of materials (SBOM). Your security team can quickly identify security concerns from third-party integrations by selecting all the direct and transitive dependencies in the deployment process within SBOM. 

Microservices Architecture

The architectural style of microservices, commonly referred to as microservice architecture, structures an application as a group of services that are:

  • Autonomously deployable
  • In loose coupling
  • Based on commercial skills
  • By a small team of owners

A company can provide huge, complex applications quickly, often, reliably, and sustainably thanks to microservice architecture, which is essential for competing and succeeding in the modern world.

Serverless Computing

Software developers can create and run servers and applications using serverless computing, eliminating the need to provide or manage the back-end infrastructure. 

When using serverless, the cloud provider handles all regular infrastructure management and upkeep, including updating the operating system (OS), applying patches, managing security, system monitoring, and scheduling capacity.

With serverless computing, programmers pay only for the services they use when they acquire back-end services from cloud service providers on a pay-as-you-go basis. 

The fundamental objective of serverless computing is to streamline the process of writing code intended to run on cloud platforms and fulfill a certain function for developers.

Elevating Your DevOps Career

After discussing the whole DevOps roadmap in the above sections, it’s time to learn some brief info on how one can elevate their DevOps career, in which we will also consider leadership qualities.

Continuous Learning and Professional Development

Engineers will begin to feel threatened if blame is placed following mishaps in your company. As a result, your company simply becomes cumbersome, bureaucratic, and a political minefield. Being naturally more resilient and resistant to errors and being more aware and cautious to prevent errors is preferable to learning from mistakes actively. 

Self-defense is a concern shared by all members of these organizations. Nothing in life is ever completely transparent, including work, issues, and even solutions.

Because difficulties are unavoidable in complex systems, your organization should prioritize actions that make problems evident in your daily work rather than pointing fingers, assigning blame, and putting people on the defensive. For everyone in your DevOps organization to learn from these issues, solutions, and inefficiencies, it should promote organizational learning from mistakes and inefficiencies.

Transitioning Into DevOps Leadership

You must fully commit as a leader regarding your time, efforts, and finances. If not, your DevOps transformation could be stymied or prematurely abandoned.

DevOps engineers must communicate with their leadership frequently and early. Using language management can help you understand when expressing your accomplishments, whether large or small. To convey that people can now accomplish something they couldn’t previously, there’s no need to become too technical in the engineering language.

Partnering With RedSwitches for DevOps Success

Our state-of-the-art infrastructure solutions and knowledgeable assistance can streamline your development and operations processes. Our trustworthy hosting services give your apps the best possible speed, scalability, and security.

Our skilled team works closely to customize solutions that match your DevOps needs, facilitating seamless integration, continuous delivery, and effective automation. To support your DevOps goals and achieve quick, dependable, and agile software delivery, choose RedSwitches.

Contact us now if you want to learn more.


DevOps roadmap requires learning various technical, communication, and collaborative skills. DevOps is more than just a technique after exploring the fundamental abilities of a DevOps engineer, charting the evolution of DevOps, and delving into the crucial area of security within this paradigm.

In addition, our foray into cutting-edge DevOps ideas like serverless computing and Microservices architecture highlights how continuously innovative this industry is. Adopting DevOps is no longer a choice but a must as organizations adjust to rapidly evolving technological landscapes. 

We place ourselves at the forefront of effective, safe, and agile software development and deployment by comprehending the nuances of DevOps and keeping up with new developments.

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Q. What is the DevOps roadmap?

A DevOps roadmap is a strategic plan defining the actions and milestones to embrace and integrate DevOps practices, tools, and cultural shifts to accomplish effective collaboration, automation, and continuous delivery.

Q. How do I implement DevOps principles?

Implementing DevOps needs both technological and cultural adjustments. Improved teamwork and communication should be the priorities. Automate the processes of code development, testing, and deployment.

Q. What is the DevOps Roadmap?

A: The DevOps Roadmap is a guide that outlines the skills, tools, and technologies required to become a DevOps engineer.

Q. How can I become a DevOps engineer?

A: To become a DevOps engineer, you must learn various skills and technologies such as deployment, Kubernetes, automation, Docker, Linux, continuous integration, and infrastructure as code.

Q. What is the DevOps engineer roadmap?

A: The DevOps engineer roadmap is a comprehensive plan that helps aspiring DevOps engineers understand the skills and knowledge they need to acquire to succeed in their careers.

Q. What are the critical responsibilities of DevOps engineers?

A: DevOps engineers manage the software development and deployment processes, integrate different systems and technologies, and ensure smooth and efficient operation of the development and deployment pipelines.

Q. What programming languages do I need to learn to become a DevOps engineer?

A: As a DevOps engineer, you should know at least one programming language, Python, Ruby, or Java, to write scripts and automation tools.

Q. How does DevOps integrate with software development teams?

A: DevOps integrates with software development teams by promoting collaboration, communication, and automation between developers and operations teams. It ensures that software development and deployment processes are streamlined and efficient.

Q. What is the role of DevOps in continuous integration and continuous deployment?

A: DevOps plays a crucial role in continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) by implementing automation, quality assurance, and release management practices. It helps development teams deliver software updates rapidly and reliably.

Q. What tools and technologies do DevOps engineers use?

A: DevOps engineers use various tools and technologies, including GitHub, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, and various automation and configuration management tools, to streamline development and deployment processes.

Q. How does DevOps contribute to the overall infrastructure of a project?

A: DevOps contributes to the overall infrastructure of a project by implementing infrastructure as code practices. This ensures that the infrastructure is treated as version-controlled code and can be easily managed, modified, and reproduced.

Q. What is the significance of DevOps in 2024?

A: In 2024 and beyond, DevOps will continue to be a critical aspect of software development and operations. It enables organizations to achieve faster time-to-market, improved collaboration, and more efficient and reliable software delivery.

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