9 Strategies for Generating Strong Password Ideas (Five Best Practices For Strong Passwords Inside)

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In today’s digital age, where almost everything from personal information to financial data is stored online, having strong and unique password ideas is crucial.

Regrettably, many people still use weak passwords or reuse the same password across multiple accounts, putting themselves at risk of being hacked or having their personal information stolen. In fact, according to a recent study, around 80% of data breaches are caused by weak or stolen passwords.

It’s crucial to use strong and distinctive passwords that are tough to guess or crack, if you wish to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime. Therefore it becomes extremely important to generate good password ideas for our benefit.

In this article, we’ll explore some strong password ideas that can help you better protect your online accounts and personal data. We’ll mention tips for creating strong passwords and round off with some suggestions for password management tools.

Let’s start with a look at weak passwords.

Table Of Contents

  1. What Do Weak Passwords Look Like?
  2. What Makes a Good Password?
  3. What are the Benefits of Strong Passwords?
    1. Increased Security
    2. Protection Against Identity Theft
    3. Compliance
    4. Peace of Mind
  4. 9 Ways to Generate Strong Unbreakable Passwords (With Examples)
    1. The Four Random Words Method
    2. Use an Entire Phrase
    3. Use a Custom Acronym
    4. Use the Keyboard Layout
    5. Make a Simple Formula
    6. Shorten Each Word
    7. The Sentence Method (Bruce Schneier Method)
    8. Mix the ISO Codes of Favorite Countries
    9. Use a Deliberate Misspelling
  5. Best Practices For Strong Passwords
    1. Make Your Password Challenging
    2. Use Words That Are Not In A Dictionary
    3. When Possible, Use Brackets
    4. Use Misspelling To your Advantage
    5. Change Your Passwords Periodically
  6. How Do Passwords Get Compromised?
    1. Brute Force Attack
    2. Dictionary Attack
    3. Phishing
  7. How to Keep Passwords Private?
    1. Lock Down Your Email
    2. Be Careful Who You Trust
    3. Enable Two-factor Authentication
  8. Password Management Tools
    1. LastPass
    2. Dashlane
    3. 1Password
    4. KeePass
    5. Bitwarden
  9. Conclusion
  10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Do Weak Passwords Look Like?

Weak passwords are always central to the success of any cyberattack.

The problem is that not all security measures require difficult passwords, which leads to users using easy passwords like password, password123, Password@123, 12345, god, their own mobile number, etc.

The real problem here is that weak passwords can be easily guessed because they don’t comply with the password best practices. For instance, Name@12345 appears to be a complicated password and conforms to the requirements of most password policies. However, it is easily decipherable because combinations like this can be cracked by bruteforce attack scripts.

It is always important to avoid weak password ideas from your mind. Always implement strong password ideas so that your system remains secure.

We’ll go into the details of creating strong passwords later on in this article. However, here’re two quick tips:

  • Avoid using passwords that include your name, location, or phone number.
  • Aim for at least 10-character passwords that contain random sequences with special characters.

Now that you know about weak passwords, let’s discuss the idea of strong passwords in detail.

What Makes a Good Password?

A good or “strong” password is easy to describe – it contains at least two uppercase, lowercase, special characters, and digits and should be between 8 and 18 characters long.

In addition to the format, you should make sure that the password shouldn’t contain the names of your kids, pets, or a real-world entity like a person, place, or thing.

Here’s how a strong password looks like: Hgs3@4j55nKX!sl

This password is 15 characters long and includes upper- and lowercase letters, digits, and symbols. Given its length and randomness, it is very difficult to crack within a reasonable timeframe.

Good password ideas are extremely beneficial for your account security.

What are the Benefits of Strong Passwords?

Let’s quickly go through the four main reasons you should opt for strong password ideas for all your accounts:

Increased Security

Strong passwords are more difficult to crack. This makes it very challenging for an attacker to guess your password using brute force or dictionary attacks. As a result, you get hardened security for your online presence.

Protection Against Identity Theft

Passwords are generally the first line of defense against identity theft. Strong passwords help prevent unauthorized access to your online accounts and personal information, reducing identity theft risk.


Many industries have regulations and compliance requirements that mandate the use of strong passwords. For instance, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requires strong passwords to protect user payment card data.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that your online accounts are secure with strong passwords gives you immense peace of mind. You’ll worry less about your sensitive information being accessed by unauthorized individuals or hackers.

That’s all for the theory behind strong passwords. Let’s now explore the ways of creating strong passwords.

9 Ways to Generate Strong Unbreakable Passwords (With Examples)

Generate Strong Unbreakable Passwords

Creating a strong password shouldn’t be a task in the first place!

However, users fail to come up with strong passwords because it seems too difficult a chore. In addition, strong passwords are a random sequence of numbers and letters that are nearly impossible to remember. It is significantly important to build up strong password ideas on your mind and then implement it.

We’ll now discuss nine strategies that users can adopt to come up with strong password ideas. These strategies can be used individually or combined to help users generate passwords that they’d be comfortable using on a daily basis.

The Four Random Words Method

One of the most effective password ideas is combining four or more seemingly unrelated words in a sequence. This is one of the easiest password-generation methods that result in strong passwords.

Here’s are a couple of things to remember when using this method:

  • Make sure the words you choose are long enough to generate passwords with a minimum of 12 characters.
  • The sentences shouldn’t flow naturally, like “My Name Is Steven”.
  • Use special symbols, spaces, or punctuation to divide words.
  • These passwords can be remembered by recalling the entire sentence. For instance,

Google Drive Stadium Office (“ I work at Google and drive by a stadium on my way to the office”), or,

Steve Airplane California Christmas ( “ I am Steve, and I fly home to California every Christmas”)

Use an Entire Phrase

One of the key point in implementing strong password ideas is by using entire phrases. A custom phase can be a password if you don’t want to memorize a random string of words. However, this method becomes ineffective if you use a well-known statement or catchphrase. A great way of using this strategy is to use phrases within a phrase flow together. This helps avoid remembering random phrases that are difficult to recall.

If the password policy allows spaces in passwords, you can choose whether to put a space between the words to improve readability and recall. Here are some excellent examples of phrase based passwords.

In fact, you can include spaces in your password!


Please let me attend Gryffindor, please.

Use a Custom Acronym

Another crucial way to generate good password ideas is by using custom Acronyms. Acronyms are a great help in generating a password that is both memorable and strong. For instance, to make a strong and simple-to-remember password, you can use the sentence “My son was born at a Manchester hospital in 2002” and use the first letter of each word to create a strong password: Mswb@aMhi2002.

If you want to use this technique, make sure your password is not based on a well-known phrase (such as Tb,on2b,titq). Here are some interesting suggestions:

  • IoaBMW,waPN5789. (“I own a BMW, with the plate number 5789.”).
  • H!Mnpintd2f! (“Hi! My new passcode is not that difficult to forget!”).

Use the Keyboard Layout

Another good password generation strategy that generates strong results is to make a unique pattern using the keyboard layout.

One way of using this method is when you use the keys to the right of the characters that make up the name of your favorite author. For instance, if you like Jane Austen, your password could be KsMe!SiDyRm.

Another way is to use the keys below and to the left of your chosen phrase. For instance,

Lord of the game generates P05r 0t 6u4 %9jye which requires about a couple of years to crack!

Make a Simple Formula

A simple formula is also helpful in creating strong password ideas. You can come up with your own formula for creating strong passwords. This could involve using your favorite phrase and changing the letters based on a special formula. For instance, you can replace each letter with the next letter of the alphabet. This means “Cucumbers are delicious!” becomes Dvdvncfst bsf ubtuz! (hackers would need 762 billion trillion years to crack this one).

Shorten Each Word

Probably the most unusual password ideas are shortening each word which only a handful of people use. You can try your hand at shortening every word of your favorite sentence to create a strong randomized password. For instance, you can try removing the first three letters from each word of a sentence. This way, you only have to remember the formula and the sentence when generating a password. Some examples include:

  • “Workdays are for work, but weekends are for football!” becomes kdays k, kends tball!
  • “Thursdays are great, but Fridays are better” becomes rsdays at, days tter

The Sentence Method (Bruce Schneier Method)

Here is a trick suggested by Bruce Schneier, a well known cyber security expert.

Take the first two letters of every word in a random sentence and turn them into a password. For instance:

“I wish I had enough time to think of good passwords…” could become IwIIhAeNtIToThOfGoPa. Cracking this password requires 40 billion years.

Mix the ISO Codes of Favorite Countries

This trick is fun to use and generates strong passwords that you can easily recall. The best part is that the password gets stronger over time.

Use the ISO codes of the countries you like or have visited. Start with your home country and add the ISO codes for three more nations or countries.

For instance, if you were born in Canada and like Mexico, France, Germany, and Japan. You’ll get something similar to: can mex fra deu jpn

You can use punctuation marks to further strengthen the password.

Use a Deliberate Misspelling

Misspellings are a great way of crack-proofing your password. This method requires you to remember the “mistake” in how you spell the words in a sentence. For instance, the sentence Supermen hate Kryptonite becomes SuperrmenHatseCryptoss (you would need 119 million years to decipher this password).

Best Practices For Strong Passwords

Now that you have read about several strategies for creating strong passwords let’s now discuss the five best password security best practices that you should keep in mind when creating passwords and password policies.

Make Your Password Challenging

Short passwords are simple to crack. Try to make your passwords longer for greater security. One of the recommended practices for improving password security is to use both upper- and lowercase alphabetic characters.

Use Words That Are Not In A Dictionary

The best way of beating brute force and dictionary attacks is to use words that are not usually found in a dictionary.

You can also try to base your passwords on random strings of characters and alphabets so that the scripts used in brute force and similar attacks can’t find a match, and the attack fails.

When Possible, Use Brackets

Feel free to use curly { }, round ( ), square [ ] or even angle < > brackets. They are rarely used and add a difficult-to-guess character set to your passwords. The more you mix up letters with brackets or symbols, the harder it is for a hacker to compromise it.

Use Misspelling To your Advantage

Bad spelling or typos can actually make a huge difference in your overall password security. Hackers usually search for passwords using correct grammar and spelling, because that is how most people create their passwords. The potential benefit of this method is the fact that it enables you to create more complicated passwords.

Change Your Passwords Periodically

Stay one step ahead of hackers by changing your passwords. But there is a problem that comes with changing your passwords regularly. You may naturally wonder what is the best time to change the password. We would say it is when a website you have an account for is hacked. Also, if you share your password with somebody else, it’s time to change it.

How Do Passwords Get Compromised?

Hackers deploy several attacks and strategies for guessing passwords. Most of these attacks are deployed in tandem to target a large segment of victims. The following is a brief description of three of the most effective attacks.

Brute Force Attack

A brute force attack uses trial-and-error to determine encryption keys, login credentials, or the location of a hidden website. Hackers try a lot of combinations in the hopes of making a match.

When someone tries to ‘force’ their way into one of your private accounts, they are using ‘brute force’ to gain access to your accounts.

Although it’s an old strategy, hackers still use it in combination with other attacks, simply because it works most of the time. However, depending on length and complexity, these attacks can take anywhere from a few seconds to several years to crack a password.

Dictionary Attack

With a dictionary attack, an attacker can theoretically use every word in a dictionary as a potential password. This attack is piggybacked on a brute force attack to extend the scope of the attack. .

The dictionary may include standard language dictionaries as well as a leaked list of frequently used passwords. When combined with substituting common characters with numbers, the dictionary can occasionally be very efficient and quick.


No matter to which extent you create strong password ideas, phishing is the most common form of attack to break it. Phishing attacks are based on deception and taking advantage of human psychology. Email is typically used for initiating these attacks. The intention is to steal personal information like credit card numbers and login credentials or to infect the victim’s computer with malware.

How to Keep Passwords Private?

Maintaining the security of your online accounts and personal information depends on keeping passwords secret. In order to keep your password private, we will help you with some password ideas. Here are some ways to help you protect your passwords:

Lock Down Your Email

Since email accounts are frequently used for password recovery and verification, they are the entry point to all of your other online accounts. For starters, use a secure password for your email account. Next, enable TFA to further secure the email account.

You should check your email frequently and pay special attention to emails related to password change requests. You should also watch out for phishing attacks that target your email account. A good tip is to simply avoid responding to unwanted emails.

Be Careful Who You Trust

While it’s crucial to establish positive relationships and productive partnerships, you should be cautious when disclosing passwords or other private information. Here are a few tips:

  • Even if you trust someone, only share your passwords if it is absolutely necessary.
  • Avoid entering passwords on unprotected systems because of the dangers of keyloggers or other malicious malware.
  • Instead of revealing your personal login information, think about using a shared account or allowing only certain rights if you need to give someone access to an account.

Enable Two-factor Authentication

Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) gives your accounts an additional layer of security. When enabled, you need to supply a second security factor (a code or a phrase) in addition to your password.

Password Management Tools

Password managers are powerful platforms that securely store and manage your credentials. They provide features including password generation, password storage in an encrypted vault, and login information auto-fill for websites and applications. To get good password ideas, we need to understand some password management tools that are worthy to be noticed.

Here are a few well-known tools for managing passwords:


LassPass is a very popular password manager that comes in both free and premium versions. It offers mobile apps and a browser plugin for convenient access to stored passwords across various platforms. LastPass offers two-factor authentication and makes use of strong encryption.


Dashlane is a robust cross-platform password manager that works equally well on Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. It features an intuitive user interface, safe password generation, and the capacity to store additional sensitive data like credit card information and private notes. For safe Wi-Fi network browsing, Dashlane also comes with a VPN service.


1Password is a well-known password manager that emphasizes simplicity in password security. It offers seamless compatibility with various operating systems, browsers, and gadgets to ensure password security at all touchpoints. In addition to passwords, 1Password provides a vault for securing notes, credit card numbers, and other private information.


KeePass is an open-source password manager that lets you keep your passwords on your device locally or in the cloud using your chosen service. It also offers a portable version that can be transported on a USB device and allows you to take advantage of password security on the go. KeePass can be used in combination with third-party services to synchronize data even though it lacks built-in synchronization features.


Bitwarden is an open-source, free password manager with robust security features. It provides cross-platform assistance, browser add-ons, and mobile applications. If you want total control over your password vault, you can self-host Bitwarden and enforce a uniform password security policy.


Strong password ideas are essential for protecting your online accounts. By following the strategies and best practices outlined in this blog, you can create strong passwords that will help keep your accounts safe.

Some of the strategies for creating strong passwords include using a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols; making your password at least 12 characters long; and avoiding using personal information. Some of the best practices for using strong passwords include using a password manager to store your passwords; enabling two-factor authentication whenever possible; being careful about what links you click on; being aware of phishing scams; and keeping your software up to date.

By following these strategies and best practices, you can create strong passwords that will help keep your accounts safe.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1 What are the benefits of using secure passwords?

Strong passwords are essential for adding extra security to your online accounts, preventing unauthorized access and any compromises of your sensitive data.

Q2 How do you create a strong password?

A strong password often consists of a mix of numbers, special characters, and both uppercase and lowercase letters. It should be comprehensive, original, and free of clichés and information that can be inferred from context.

Q3 How frequently should passwords be changed?

It’s generally advised to regularly update your passwords, especially for important accounts like banking and corporate email. Passwords should be changed frequently to reduce the danger of unauthorized access.

Q4 Do I need to use the same password across all of my accounts?

No, using the same password across various accounts is not advised at all. If one of your accounts is compromised, it’s possible that all of your other accounts will also be subject to unauthorized access. For maximum security, you should use a different strong password.

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